Enter the roon
>>61723205 That looks menacing. It's probably tied, wrapped and sealed for a reason. Maybe check the rest of the place out?
You check out the rest of the place. You see two doors on your left and right. There's a hallway at the right corner of the room but its too dark to go down. You're also cold and hungry, better find some food.

>>61723541 Are there any weird symbols on the box? Definitely ominous but maybe its a form of protection, like butterflies with menacing patterns
You take a look at the box before anything else. It has Daedric runes inscribed to the wax. Being near this box makes you feel strange, like you had this box before.

>>61724007 Creek open the left door and peek in
You open the door on the left. It looks like another empty room with one single magazine in it. it also appears to be night time as well. that might explain why its cold here.

>>61726592 Enter the room holding your tail as if it was a machine gun. For safety.
You decide to hold your tail as a pistol, using the dice bag as a silencer.
Of course investigate the definitely not dirty magazine on the floor that was probably left there by the workers.
>>61726183 What does it read? What can you see out that window?
The magazine, is indeed, not dirty. However it is a magazine based around home utility. You can buy furniture, showers, sinks, stoves, tables, and any other good not mentioned yet. You have no money and have no idea how to use this.

>>61729289 Hmm... The manor is indeed quite empty but I don't yet trust this cat with fire. How about an order of pizza? We could think about the hard stuff like which useless room will be filled with pricy abstract paintings later. Hopefully the delivery doesn't take too long. >>61730105 Can we buy vague threatening messages in red paint? Specifically on a wall behind Katia And a wiiide table with plenty chairs for future visitors Pizza would also be nice
You can't really buy a vague threat just yet, but you do buy a pizza, a round table, and a set of 8 chairs. It cost $325.99 Maybe next time don't buy anything in front of Katia because it will raise her Madness meter. (and maybe not get things poorly drawn either)

>>61735727 those weren't there before, is that another box on that table?
Yes it is a box. You open the box to find a strange piece of bread with cheese, pineapples, and ham on it. You don't know what this is exactly.