The Box
>>62479975 Open the magic box >>62490474 I really don't want to screw around with magic boxes. Let's not touch it. This place feels empty but are we sure it is empty? What if there is something lurking around?
You head over to the box, you're not sure what to do with it. You want to open it but it could be an evil curse. And even if there was something lurking in this house thing, it would probably be in that box.

>>62491752 Lightly tap it to see if it'll react in anyway, or listen if there's a noise coming from inside the box. >>62491952 Ok. fine, let's open the Pandora's box. The label says "KATIA" so it's either IED with our name or actual gift.
Now hold on just a minute, you don't know what's in the thing to begin with. So you decide to listen to the box for anything. You hear faint whisper from the box, saying something about finally being able to have a talk with you.

>>62493608 Ask it who it is and what it means by being able to have a talk with you.
You that box who you are. It only replies with "Haven't you already guessed?" This answer puzzles you.

>>62493824 Tell it that you haven't, ask it if you can open it.
You tell the box that you haven't. Its disappointed and says its not going to tell you as the answer is glaringly obvious. You also ask the box if you can open it. "No" it replies.

>>62494220 Tell it what else it could possibly be as it's just a fox, you have no idea who it is exactly.
You tell the box that you're completely stumped. Its disappointed in you because it thought it would be obvious to you. Besides its not a fox, its a cat.

>>62494853 Is it S'thengir?
"No no no, I'm YOU" it shouts. Now you're more confused then ever. It goes to say that she brought you here because she was hoping to give you and any other Katia a better life then herself. You're unsure if you pissed off this box ghost thing.

>>62495556 Ask her what she means by giving you and other Katias a better life.
The box goes onto tell about the end of her life. She describes sitting on a rock for an ungodly amount of time. She waited for something that was in vein from the start just to be a pawn of the gods. When she died, a cult was created around her as she was supposed to stop the oblivion crisis. She mentions that her soul was split into four versions of herself. Her goal is to give the four souls a better life, one that she wished she had. One of these souls is you.

>>62497499 Ask her about the four versions.
You ask about the four versions. The first one is you. First you where trying to get back your stuff from Sigrid and the second you find yourself wandering the wilderness. The second one you already met, she goes by Kate. She's not a Khajit nor does she cares for the Elder scroll games. The third is named Qitta Pai. she decided to move to Morrowind to escape her past. The forth one is named Katley Jones. An amnesiac who works as a security officer on a spaceship.

>>62502599 Ask about what became of the ones you haven't met yet
Qitta Pai took some low end jobs and earned some cash. She angered a shop owner and had a confrontation with them. This lead to the shop owners death. As for Katley Jones, her journey is just beginning.

>>62508089 So this means you're Katley? >>62508097 Does that mean Katley is a khajiit?
This whole confrontation has gotten you confused. The Box ensure you that you're not Katley and maybe Katley is a Khajit, The box is unsure. Maybe you should find that bedroom and take a nap.

>>62514484 Yeah, go do that.
You decide to traverse the dark hallways, this time looking at the last door at the end if the hall. You finally find a bed. Took your sweet time too.

>>62516055 Sleep in it
You decide to sleep in the bed for a little bit. The bed itself is not incredibly uncomfortable but not comfy either. You start to wonder about the guest as you drift off to sleep

>>62520127 Try to relax as you drift to sleep
You try to relax and close your eyes. You take deep breaths as you fall asleep. Besides you're dreaming. Nothing bad happens in dreams... ...right?