The Cult
>>61795349 Seems a bit messy in there, see that goblet on the ground? Maybe if we clean up a bit the gods will be thankful
Fine. You put the goblet back in its place.

>>61788012 Ok. I don't really get what happened. Did the imperial altar remove our ability to feel pain? Are the wounds just closing in slower? Look under your feet, maybe you died and now you are ghost standing above your recently deceased body.
What? Under your feet? You think the altar just waved away the debilitating factor of your injuries. Pinching yourself confirms you still are very much capable of feeling pain.

>>61789376 OK. You might have accidentally prayed to the wrong thing. Maybe you prayed to the orc woman instead of the imperial altar. Theory: Thinking of muscular women heals. Antithesis: You still have your injuries. Synthesis: Thinking of muscular women heals your soul.
That's some insane reasoning.
>>61788298 Success, but cuts are still there. Maybe we need a potion seller who has healing potions? Ponder our options, and maybe some orc muscles if we have the time. >>61809725 We should probably go find a way to heal the stabs before they get infected or something. Then we can go get the rest of our loot, maybe repair that armor if it's busted up. It would be an excuse to talk to that Orc lady again... >>61788448 Un-crippled but not fully healed. Probably the gay thoughts that did that.
Oh, come on now. The last thing you need occupying your head is an eternal debate about your sexuality. You try to move on by pondering about your situation. You currently have 9 gold septims. You feel worn and a bit hungry. The blood sticks to your fur in a damp and gross mess, it does not smell very pleasant. Your clothes are fucked. You also ponder your options. You could grab something to eat and take a bath. You could also use some of that armor yourself, unless you decided to sell it to get something that suits you better instead. You currently have no plans to remain on this town for too long. A tentative touch confirms that although the burnt tissue that covers your cuts feels very weird and sensitive they don't sting unless you were to apply more force. The surrounding area doesn't show a lot of redness.
Maybe talk to that woman the orc mentioned and see if she can figure out how to un-stabbify you.
That would probably be wise even if part of you thinks you should save money by sleeping it off. You'll do that, talking is free after all.

You make your way to the next room over. The door is closed but upon knocking a feminine voice with a slight accent replies. "Come in!" You enter the room. Looking around you see a fairly regular looking room with a bunk bed in one corner, a table with some bottles and bowls in another and a shelf with some belongings next to you. A tall woman with bright gold hair and a chieseled face stands right in the centre of the room. "Blessings of the Nine, Khajiit. You look quite disheveled, are you alright? I am Ygfa, this fort's healer. I also sell potions and teach spells, all for a price. All proceeds go to the benefit of the Imperial Cult. Oh, are you perhaps interested in joining?" Her expression is very... intense... yet, her tone seems kind.