The Sweet Little Lie
>>61820190 Ah, there's the robed person. She said she's a healer, but she also said she teaches spells. Maaaaybe we could learn to heal ourselves? >>61830485 Let's not learn magic. Magic is better from afar when you are not the one casting it.
You're uncertain on this so you keep it to yourself for now. Magic's probably hard for the uninitiated and also pricy to learn so once your pockets are heavier you'll inquire.

>>61828955 I got beat up by a... rabid scrib? Please help me.
"From a glance I can tell your wounds betray your claims. If you don't wish to speak about it I will respect your choice, I however must ask you not to lie so shamelessly." You're caught off guard by her response and feel a bit guilty for lying, even if you didn't do so with malicious intent. You quietly apologize. "It's fine, Khajiit. What is your name?" You introduce yourself and ask her about your wounds. "Well, Qitta, those injuries look nasty but they seem mostly fine. I'd still try to keep them clean and covered if I were you. What worries me is the damage it may have caused under your skin." Ah, you already made a visit to the Altar and got healed after a quick prayer. "Very wise of you. The altar doesn't heal, however. It can cure you of disease and debilitations to a certain point but you would still need rest or proper healing." You're... a bit short on gold right now. How much would that be? "About 13 to 14 septims. Keep in mind I'd also spread some balm on those burns and protect them behind bandages."
>>61828422 Hm. You ARE in need of work, and the gods helped you out just now, what benefits come with joining the Imperial Cult?
You don't have that money right now so you shift your focus and ask her about the Imperial Cult instead. What are its benefits and requirements? "We accept all of good character and earnest faith. To serve and glorify the Nine Divines, you must cultivate a noble personality and a strong will. Respect the magical arts, especially the college of Restoriation. Those who swear to avoid bloodshed are especially praiseworthy. We of the cult are most active where the Empire's grasp is weak, such as here." "We ask only a one-time pledge of 50 drakes to aid us in our many worthwhile projects. You will be welcome to any Imperial keep, camp, or battlefield that may require your services. The use of Imperial altars would also be nearly free." Uh...