Too poor for the divine grace
>>61865082 if i am honest i got nearly murdered by a thief who managed to stab and slash me, before i started sprinting down a staircase in complete darkness where they tripped >>61865427 AAAAAAAAAA. Do not disclose this. She Could be his mom or something.
Being too honest might not be a good idea so you keep your mouth shut for now. You highly doubt this woman is his mom.
>>61840262 Paying someone to work for them? That's a very odd system. We also don't have nearly enough money on us for that. Maybe we need to go sell our loot and figure out what to do as we lay in a much comfier rented room.
The one-time pledge does seem a bit too pricy but an army doesn't march on an empty wallet, or something like that.
>>61880949 Stop, think about what you are doing right now just for a second. You are trying to get yourself initiated into a cult and she has not mentioned any gang bang sex on the altar yet, that's woefully out of your experience with cults but it's also somewhat similar to your old life. Abort, Abscond. You have much to do today.
They don't seem like that kind of cult but... a cult is still a cult. One thing could lead into another and... well...
>>61855842 OK. You are way too poor for religion. Tell her that and excuse yourself.
There's also that. You tell Ygfa you're simply too poor for this but that you'll keep it in mind. She is incredibly polite and understanding about it and after exchanging farewells you leave the fort.

How do we survive the night? I am not very comfortable with the idea of sleeping outside. The dead elf had a friend. He might be seeking vengeance or something.
He had a friend? He seemed like he kept to himself from what you saw but you can't remember him talking to anyone at length. People knew him for sure though, skipping town would probably be a good idea. Anyways. With all that's been said and done there's still plenty of day ahead. Where will you go? What will you do?