Return to the crypt
>>61888091 Fuck, it's the shit crypt, electric boogaloo 2 >>61888231 We really need to get the loot we left behind. Gold is our biggest concern at all times here, so we really have nothing else we can do until we get more septims. >>61890347 Time to visit the cool dead elf friend friend?
Oh, shoot! You almost forgot about that. Hoping your loot remains undisturbed you hurriedly make your way back to the tomb, enjoying your freedom of movement again.

Phew... Everything seems to be the way you left it. Now that you have more time you take a closer look at the items on the ground. A bloody battle axe is propped against the wall, you think it's made of iron. Two mismatched pauldrons lay on the ground, they come with leather harnesses. You don't know their material but these are rather heavy. The crude bone greaves are lighter than they seem and, although worn from usage, they are in good condition. There's also the old and worn boots made of some unknown scaled leather... you wouldn't wear these even if they fit you. The air here is quite cold now that you notice it.