The Supplies

>61312332 >Go for spear instead of club. It can be used as a bindle stick after looting, and getting close to the creatures here seems unwise. Except the little thumpy guys, they seem pretty cool. >>61310198 >What about spear instead of club? Well if there's something you learned from banging brute and boisterous braggarts is that spears are not that simple to use and could become a great liability on closed spaces, you'd also have to care for the tip's edge and it could even break in half if mishandled or impacted with a certain amount of force. Something like a club on the other hand has no edge, it's simply a single and solid piece of metal great for dealing blunt force trauma, you could e- >You feel like you won't have chance to play around with spears in the future. This is maybe your last chance. W-What does that mean? >>61314476 >Focus on getting things that steady your lifestyle. Do you know how to use a weapon? Knives are the easiest ones to use; they don't require training except for when you're fighting men and mer, and provide extra utility over something like a spear or club. Perhaps ask the merchant or the armorer if they have any suggestions for self-defense against the wildlife around here, as you plan on traveling. Be sure to emphasize that you'd like to be a repeat customer so you need to make it back alive. You trade introductions and mention you are a new to the adventuring business. You inquire about some weapon prices and how much a tent and a bedroll would be, on top of that you ask if he sells or knows anywhere that would sell daggers and what type of starting gear he would recommend for venturing the wild. You remember to state you'd like to buy some of his other wares at a later time so you needed to be sure you were going to make it back alive. "The iron spear you are holding goes for twenty septims, the club made of iron for ten. A tent and a bedroll would be... twenty four septims. I sell daggers in a very limited fashion. They are composed of silver and quite effective when dealing with ghostly beings and Daedra. The silver daggers go for forty septims but, if you want iron daggers Uulernil next door sells them for... ten septims if I remember correctly. I would recommend a shortsword, a tent and food for the road. Simple health and fatigue potions if you can afford them too." Wow, he speaks very methodically. Also fucking shit this is all very expensive for you. "I can't guarantee your safety, only that my products will not fail you. Your survival depends on your budget and skills." This ugly Breton can probably smell the poverty on you. >>61313013 >Barter like you never did before. Barter seductively. Barter like your life depends on it. Barter like the merchant queen you were born to be. He must be joking. "I'm sorry?" He calls this a fair deal? How does he expect a daring adventurer like you to risk your life with these trinkets and baubles? Or those rags and sticks? The world is a harsh and unforgiving place, and he wants to rob you of your hard-earned coin for a sliver of safety? Come on. Look at your eyes. Does he see this flame burning in your soul? This is the zeal of a woman who will defy all odds to discover the secrets and wonders of the world! You quiver with anticipation at the thought of the wealth and glory you both could enjoy, but how can you make it happen if he doesn't invest on you? "If you shut up I am willing to part with the tent and bedroll for twenty septims."