Pick a Class
>>61487677 Turn the thing around. What's your rank?
You flip your key card around. Its back side doesn't seem to have any useful information.

>>61489261 Surely the hypersleep console has some kind of information about why you woke up alone, check that >>61494602 There is that blinking panel in the room, probably has important information on it
You stand up and approach one of the consoles mounted into the walls around you. It's turned off. Your badge would fit inside the key card reader near the monitor.

You insert your badge into the key card reader.

It looks like these terminals won't be of much use for now, though them being disabled does strike you as a bit odd. For some reason, you doubt that you're allowed anywhere near the mainframe, so you make a mental note to ask somebody about this whenever you can. Regardless, there seems to be nothing else in this room that could help you. You retrieve your badge and make your way to the exit at the front of the room.
The bulkhead rises automatically as you near. Behind it, there is a long, dimly lit passageway. You walk down the hallway and into the next room. The door opens as you approach, revealing a small locker room. What looks to be showers sink into the wall to your left, while seven lockers line the wall to your right. The dots in your brain connect: seven lockers, seven pods, seven crew members. One of those lockers is probably yours.
>>61490206 Put some pants on and look for your fellow crewmates
It'd probably be a good idea to get some actual clothes on you. Wandering around this ship in nothing but your underwear does not seem like the best idea right now, especially when there's other people already awake and walking about. Your locker likely has some of your belongings in it, or at the very least a uniform of some kind. Finding it and opening it up will mean that you'll have something to wear.
>>61487677 What's your rank? Pray it's not a captain. >>61488072 You're probably a janitor or something simple like that. Maybe you've got a shift to cover, hop to it!
Now that you think about it, you don't really know why you're on this ship to begin with. You'd assume that you have some sort of role here, though what it'd be is a complete mystery to you. You hope that it isn't too important, since you aren't exactly capable of doing anything useful, at least, for the time being. Maybe your uniform will give you a hint as to what you're supposed to be doing? You walk down the row of lockers, looking for the one with your name tag on it.

PICK YOUR CLASS This will affect all aspects of your character, including your skills, objectives, and history. Choose wisely. Mechanic Pilot Security Officer